Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's hot here!

Saturday already, and another week that just flew by. Here are a few photos from the week.

Most recently, Erin's dad helped us set up a shade-cloth for our garden. Thanks, Bruce!

Earlier today I went on a bird-watching expedition with her dad, too. He picked out a spot he had heard about from the local Audubon society. So much water! I had no idea this existed in Tucson!

Earlier in the week it reached 108 degrees Fahrenheit on my bike ride home. Only a week or so until the summer monsoons!

Last weekend our house went wine-tasting in southern Arizona, along with the Mennonite volunteers and some JVs from Phoenix. It was so much fun! I had been wine-tasting before at nice supermarkets, but never at an actual vineyard. Amazing, too, that people can grow grapes out here.

And not to be overlooked, last weekend Jen made these yummy pretzels from scratch. Twice.

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