Sunday, September 12, 2010


Casa Nacho!
Living room, decorated thanks to thrift stores.
There. Just thought you might want to see what our house looks like. Uff, it hasn't been an easy weekend for me. The week was great, but now it appears that I am in one of those "funks" I fall into ever so often. I feel tired and sluggish, wanting to do something with my day, but I just wander aimlessly around the house, cleaning the dishes, sweeping my room, looking at a book but thinking about something else. I'm also irritable. Of my housemates, Jen, Erin, and Kaitlyn, I can honestly say that they're considerate, not messy, helpful, reliable - in other words, great housemates. But just the very act of living with people means you have to, well, live with them. Day in and day out. Mornings, evenings, and weekends. Sometimes (like today) it's a challenge just to make peace with myself, so of course it will sometimes be difficult to also share space with three other individuals who have completely separate - though not always dissimilar - life experiences, values, and viewpoints on the world.

In fact, I'm a little surprised at how easily we have managed our house business so far. What seems to make sense to each one of us, separately, luckily seems to make sense for the other three. The bread has mold? Then it's no good. We should throw it out. Now, I'm sure there is a rational person somewhere who would argue that one should cut out the mold and save the rest of the bread. Then a disagreement might arise. But so far, not in our house. We have no moldy bread eaters. Yet we do have differences, and quirks, and individual tastes. I may not understand why it's a terrible idea to put dirty clothes belonging to two different people in the same load of wash, but then again I'm the one who spent $13 out of my stipend on a bag of coffee so that I could have it before work, even though it's provided, for free, at work. I have my reasons. And what might just be my golden rule for a peaceful year is if I assume that she, too, has hers.

1 comment:

  1. I have been enjoying your blog. It seems like we're on a similar schedule. I don't check it very often, but then, you don't post very, just about everytime I check it there is a new entry...Cool how that works).
    Sorry to hear you were in a "funk" last weekend (maybe "the honeymoon" is over and real live is beginning). It's been almost a week since your last entry and I am assuming it is going quickly - not much time to sit and enter a blog.
    Two Questions: 1. Does Casa Nacho mean "Cheese House?" 2. Have you been able to play any "Ultimate"? - maybe it's too hot :-)

    Thinking of you often.
