Saturday, May 28, 2011


Cool tattoo, right? That's my friend Audra, and the symbol on her arm is called a triskele. We were at Barrio Brewery, one of my favorite spots in Tucson, and a spot where Audra and I have enjoyed good beer and good conversation a few times before. (And, I hope, a few times more.) Anyway, the triskele is one continuous line forming a triple spiral, and it shows up on some ancient Celtic sites in Ireland including at Newgrange. Like any well-planned tattoo, this one has personal meaning for her. I won't be able to explain the significance of it as well as she does, but she told me the interconnected spirals represent both eternity (it's one unbroken line) and the cyclical nature of life. There's a lot more to it than that, but I recommend asking her to explain it in person. Maybe over a beer.

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