Friday, August 27, 2010

It feels like this past week just flew by in an instant, and that it was yesterday, not last weekend, when I was last in this library typing an update. Time flies when you're busy, I guess. I found myself struggling this week to remember what day it was. I think that's because I'm getting so used to my weekday routine that the days just kind of blur together. This week did have its highlights, however:

Tuesday morning I was at a farmer's market in that the food bank runs weekly right out in front of the building. It's a great resource for people who qualify for low-income or senior food vouchers, because they can pick up their vouchers in the warehouse and then use them to get local, healthy produce just out the door.
Some of the seasonal produce: lots of squash and cucumbers
It also was a nice break from working inside the office on a computer (although it's air-conditioned inside...). One thing I appreciate about the food bank is that the employees think it's important to know at least a little bit about all aspects of the organization. So even though my primary role is not with the farmer's markets, I was encouraged to help out with it and learn. My supervisor, for example, recommended I also accompany a truck driver when he or she takes food boxes out to rural areas. These trips usually take an entire day, which would mean a day that I wouldn't be learning about food stamps, but I would be learning about another program (food boxes) that perhaps I could recommend to folks who aren't eligible for food stamps, say. Also, on Wednesday, we had an all-staff meeting that included singing "Happy Birthday" to everyone who has a birthday in August, and a "sharing" time, where anyone could make an announcement about something personal or work-related. What I'm trying to say is that the food bank is a really friendly place.

Last night my casamates and I went to an outdoor showing of the movie MASH in a downtown park. There were maybe a hundred people in outdoor seating, popcorn was provided, and the whole event was free, donations welcome. Movies are shown weekly for about four months in the fall and spring. Cinema La Placita, as it's called, is in its 11th year. Cool!

The Catalina mountains, viewed from the northwest.
Today my boss took me and another co-worker on a field trip, you might say. Our trip took us all the way around the other side of the Catalina mountains (pictured) and so it was a great opportunity for me to get outside of the city. We went to a meeting of women who have formed a group with the purpose of supporting and educating each other regarding child-rearing and community involvement. They were interested in the possibility of starting a farmer's market in their area, and they had some questions about food stamps to which I was able to respond with at least a partial answer. Again, it was nice to do something other than type on the computer and answer phone calls. I hope I can keep up this balance of being in the office and out of the office through the year!

There is talk in the house of going hiking this weekend! I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. Hi Jeff--You don't know me, but my name is Jason Adler and I just found out from Sr. Diane at the U of A Newman Center that there is a JV house here in Tucson! Amazing what google can do! I am an FJV and I did my JV year in Billings, MT 2000-2001. Welcome to Tucson! I pray your community does well here and that the experience is amazing for you all. My email is jaketucson at hotmail dot com if you want to get in touch. I'd love to meet you and your community-mates sometime! Take care,

  2. jeff! I stumbled upon your blog when i was looking at my housemate's. gotta love the internet. I'll bookmark it so I can read more about the fun news from tucson & the food bank. glad you're having a great experience so far!

    -christine gosney
