Saturday, August 7, 2010

New adventure, same blog

Hey all you loyal blog-followers (aka Mom and Dad),

So I'm changing the focus of this blog. Any post written before this one is about my trip to Bolivia and Peru a few months ago. Any post written after this one is about my year as a Jesuit Volunteer in Arizona. The reason I'm not changing the whole blog is to make things (I hope) less confusing.

I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported me in one way or another so that I could go on this learning adventure. Many of you donated to my fundraising page. Thanks to you, I was able to exceed my fundraising goal. Your generosity astounded me. Mom and Dad, thanks for a great going-away party, and for being willing to help me with random errands these last few days. Other family and friends, thanks for taking the time to see me in person or send me a note to wish me well. It means a lot to know I have a supportive community here.

I'm at the Portland airport about to fly to orientation with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in California. Oh, Portland. I'll miss your rain and your green trees. Five days from now I'll be in Arizona, specifically Tucson ("TOO-sawn"), walking into my new home for the year. My computer's dictionary offers this helpful tidbit about Tucson: "a city in southeastern Arizona, population 486,699. Its desert climate makes it a tourist resort." So that's where I'm headed. A touristy desert, haha.

Talk to you later,

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