Saturday, August 14, 2010


Me, Kaitlyn, Erin, and Jen
This is us! Casa Ignacio EllacurĂ­a, or just Nacho for short. As you can tell, we're in a library (Kate, I'll get a real library card as soon as I have proof of residence!), because our house doesn't have any internet access. So, I'll post a picture of the house later. By the way, our house's address is 1030 Unit B N. 13th Ave Tucson AZ 85705. That's a little different from what we were told earlier, so if you're going to send anything, make sure you get it right! Our house is, in a word, great. I was not expecting that our support community, including former JVs and friends of JVs, would not only furnish our house with beds and furniture, but stock our kitchen with cooking equipment, fill the closets with sheets and towels, install a washer and dryer, give us artwork to decorate with, and even plan activities for us during our first weekend here! Needless to say, I feel welcome in Tucson.

Cecelia, a former JV, drove us to our respective agencies yesterday, so I got to see the food bank! It's enormous, with about 100 on staff, and they had a shopping cart full of food for our house! I'm excited to start work there on Monday.

I'll post more later! Have a great day,

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